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Financial Planning

Best Melbourne Brokers is proud to be well connected with some of the best financial planners in the market to be able to look after your wealth and succession planning, risk and asset protection.

Older Man Sitting on Beach

There are many ways a client can benefit from engaging a financial planner, including but not limited to below: 

- Budgeting and wealth management

Our financial planner can sit down with you to discuss your short and long term financial goals, how much do you need to retire comfortably and the lifestyle you seek to protect.

He can then research and devise the most suitable plan for you, be it ways to implement an effective savings plan, or short and long term investment strategies to achieve the highest expected return within your risk appetite.

- Superannuation and transition to retirement strategy

Our financial planner can also work closely with you to work out whether your superannuation is attracting the lowest fees possible and having the right investment asset allocation that fits your risk profile. Our financial planner can help you work out whether SMSF is right for you too

A very common transition to retirement strategy at the moment is to minimise tax via making more superannuation contribution while progressively draw an income out of super once you reach an age where funds in superannuation is accessible. This way you are able to achieve higher end superannuation balance without compromising your present and future lifestyle

- Personal and Family Protection, Estate planning

Life, income protection, total & permanent disability and trauma cover are the most common insurance for someone looking to protect the lifestyle for themselves and family members. When the bread winner passes on, or looses his ability to earn income, we want to make sure that the mortgages are still getting paid, the kids are still able to go to school, and the family are still able to continue living in the same residence without bearing the debt burden or reducing lifestyle to a minimum.

Our financial planners are also able to review your will and succession planning, to ensure the smoothest and fairest asset ownership transfer to your family and relatives upon your passing away, at the lowest tax rate possible.

